Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Just Deport the F*ckers!
Texas Offers 1,400 Acres to Trump Admin for Criminal Migrant Detention/Deportation Center Since shrinking the size of Government and cutting Govt. waste APPEARS to be the mandate of the incoming Trump White House, why are we discussing building massive refugee internment camps? I don’t know about you but I don’t want my State turned…
More Anarcho-Tyranny
51-year-old man is charged with murder after 3 are stabbed in New York City rampage So to recap: a homeless mental Spic with 8 arrest in one year, seven of them felonies walks around NYC free as a bird and stabs to DEATH the following three victims: an Ecuadorian migrant, a Chink who was…
Small-Unit Tactics: The Flying Column
Ireland’s Wars: Flying Columns The popular memory of the Irish War of Independence, at least if you happen to be Irish, often revolves around the image of the IRA “flying column”. For a large number of people, those two words indicates a very particular type of unit: A sort of mobile platoon that lived and…
Seven Pillars of Small War Power
H/T WRSA Seven Pillars of Small War Wisdom Read this and then Save it to your Flash Drive. You may See This Material Again in the near future. Stay Armed, Train Frequently and Prepare Accordingly. Additional Reading: The Savage Wars of Peace: Small War and the Rise of American Power…
Black Crime: Black Lives Matter Killed 8,682 Black People
Via: Handwaving Freakoutery Black Lives Matter Killed 8,682 Black People If you’re a regular reader of HWFO or you follow us on X, you have probably seen many versions of this graph since 2018: The graph shows that murder rates in the USA were low by our standards for the first…
The Bad Ass Files: Colonel Charles Askins, US Army (Ret.)
The Legend Of Charley Askins by Skeeter Skelton (As Published in Shooting Times Magazine, May 1972) In The West Wing of a secluded, tile-roofed Spanish home in San Antonio, Texas is a room that is one of my favorite retreats. It’s a large room, carpeted with the rich hides of Polar and…
Situational Pistolcraft
Via: The Tactical Wire Situational Pistolcraft sit·u·a·tion – siCHəˈwāSHən.: a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs. The location and surroundings of a place. Drawing, shooting and reloading fast are nice skills to have, but I feel it is safe to say they seldom win fights. Having them does…
Armed Citizen Corner: On the Rise
On The Rise The Globo-Homo’s are panicking at how fun and appealing these things are. Bottom line is they are afraid that folks will be reminded that an armed man is a CITIZEN and a unarmed man a SUBJECT!
Guerilla Gunsmith: Rogue-9 (DIY Advanced 3D Printed 9mm Firearm)
Rogue-9 : Advanced 3D Printed 9mm Firearm At Home The 31st saw the release of what is probably the most refined and easily made 3D printed semi-automatic firearms offered for download so far. The Rogue-9 is a compact and improved ‘remake’ of the FGC-9 (currently arming thousands across the globe). Like the FGC-9, it requires no restricted firearms parts…