Natural Ways to Improve Night Vision (Night Blindness) (click on above link to be re-directed to source page) As Civilian Operators we need to constantly be training to own the night. Low-to-No Light weapons training is essential to a realistic readiness plan since cockroaches and turds like to float around when it’s dark. Stay Alert,…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Civilian Operator 101: Staying Armed!
You know that signature line I sign off with every time: Stay ALERT, Stay ARMED and Stay Dangerous is not just another catchy tag line, right? It is actual sound advice I am giving you guys! A recent shooting in Barney Obama’s Homocide Capital Home Town, Chi-Raq (Chicago) re-emphasizes this point. 71 year old Frederico La-Guardia…
Combatives: How To Head-Butt The Sh_t Out of Somebody
HEAD BUTTIN TIME! HOW TO HEAD-BUTT A BAD GUY REAL GOOD Head Butts are a much under-used and under-estimated Combatives “technique”. They are the authentic “OODA Loop Interrupter!” in a fight. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Civilian Operator 101: The Educational Beatdown
The “Educational Beatdown” (click on above link to be re-directed to source article) An Outstanding article by Greg Ellefritz on the reality of the streets, social dynamics and understanding exactly how violence actually can and does serve a distinct purpose in some circumstances. As Greg sais, “If you want to Win the Game, you…
Crime Awareness: Adversarial Attraction
Adversarial Attraction: the Predator’s Optic (click on above link to be re-directed to source article) Great street smarts article on the reality of NOT becoming a victim. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Armed Citizen Corner: Another Cautionary Tale on Being Armed When the Cops Show Up After Calling 911
A black homeowner called 911 to report a carjacking. He wound up getting shot by police. (clink on above title link to be re-directed to source page) This incident is NOT about race first off, so as usual the media can stuff it on that aspect. What it is about is poor decision…
Armed Citizen Corner: Understanding “Proportional Response” in Self-Defense Law
Proportional Response: Understanding Self-Defense Statutes (click on title link above to be re-directed to source page) This goes right along with that article from this morning about being prepared for the “Second” most important fight for your life: The Legal Battle after a Self-Defense Shooting or Confrontation. Know the Law, especially Self-Defense Law in…
Armed Citizen Corner: The Cautionary Tale of the “Crabtree Idiot”
Would-Be Hero Almost Gets Shot By Police Responding To “Mall Shooting” (click on title link above to be re-directed to source page) Take Note Guys: THIS IS WHAT NOT TO DO When you hear about a Possible Active Shooter Situation nearby. DO NOT go running in there in your GI Joe get-up with your brand…
The Armed Citizen Corner: Winning the “Second Fight for your Life” as an Armed Citizen
Charges Dropped Against Paul Lathrop – His Story (click on above title link to be re-directed to source page) This is one of those stories EVERY Armed Civilian needs to hear frequently. The “Second Fight” for your life as an Armed Citizen is the legal battle involved proving your innocence. In this case, another person…
Civilian Operator 101: Vehicle Awareness
A lot of times when we get in our vehicles we tend to “zone out” for whatever reason. Maybe we are tired from work, personal issues on our minds or maybe we are just really liking the song on the radio. In this day and age however, we cannot afford to not being paying attention…