The Fallacy of Mental Illness and Red Flag Gun Laws I have been saying for some time that these “Red Flag” Gun Laws or “Gun Violence Restraining Orders” (GVRO) are suspect and dangerous to the Second Amendment and Constitution. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Fight Like A Girl and Other Lessons From a Stabbing
Fight Like A Girl And Other Lessons From A Stabbing Really great read for not only Women but also Men; sometimes it pays to analyze and critique an attack like this in terms of what you were taught; what worked, what did not not and what you can do to IMPROVE your odds next…
Farnam Quips: Young Wolfhounds Be Prepared!
“War will find us, whether we are ready or not.” ~ Churchill Successful Outcomes! The American law-enforcement community, including the FBI, is now admitting that the recent history of terrorism clearly shows that the best deterrent, by far, is armed citizens. Many, probably most, American citizens who own guns and go armed at least some…
Training Tips: Moving Off-Line While Drawing and Shooting
MOVING OFF WHILE DRAWING AND SHOOTING Good stuff to re-enforce the fact that gunfights do not happen in a static vacuum. When bullets start flying, people tend to start moving. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Armed Citizen Corner Video: How to Shoot Through a Windshield
A quick down and dirty 5 minute primer on shooting through a windshield when the shit hits the fan while in your vehicle from John “Shrek” McPhee, an ex-D-Boy. I would be remiss if I did not mention the obvious here: You are sitting in a 2 to 3 ton weapon that trumps that bullet…
What Can We Learn from the Clearwater Florida Shooting?
It was recently announced that Michael Drejka who shot and killed Markeis McGlockton last month in Clearwater, Florida in what appeared to be a case of Stand Your Ground Self-Defense has now been arrested and charged with Manslaughter. Being that Drejka was not initially charged by Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, who cited Floridas Stand…
“Infringement”: Do You Really Know What it Means?
In a recent article in Freedom Outpost entitled France, The Nazi’s and Gun Control, the author lays out in precise historical detail how the French Government, in particular, Prime Minister Pierre Laval in 1935, four years before the Nazi invasion of France, put into motion some of the most restrictive and anti-democratic gun law measures…
Prophetic Words from a Political Crook
In 1967 a crooked former Louisiana Governor (Democrat) by the name of Huey Long gave an interview in Playboy Magazine and said the following: “Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism. I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.” Anti-Fascism? You…
A Story to Make You Thankful for your 2A Rights!
Italian woman defends herself from rape by illegal migrant with pepper spray I am all for non-lethal devices like pepper-spray for women (and men) to protect themselves but that is not the real reason I wanted to post this story. The real reason is I want all the women (and men) here in America…
Civil Defense Groups = “Hate Groups?”
Plaquemines Parish deputy put on paid leave during alleged hate group probe The Center will not hold. I repeat the Center will not hold! It appears that those folks who were putting out the warning that these spineless neo-marxist in Silicon Valley and their hypocritical brain trust at the SPLC would not just stop…