Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Another Reason to be Armed
After 3 Men Pistol Whip Dad, Son Grabs Gun and Opens Fire There are many elements to this story worth talking about but I suppose the most important one is this: Teach Your Kids to Shoot at an early age! The Life You save could be your Own! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
There is No Middle Ground with the 2A
“I Support the Second Amendment, BUT…” I have been saying this ever since ERPO’s (Red Flag Laws) became common language in the Firearms and 2A Communities. Red Flag Laws are Dangerous and Unconstitutional as it gets. You CANNOT be a Constitutional Patriot who supports the 2A and Support Red Flag Laws. ERPO’s are an…
How to Survive (and Prevent) a Carjacking
How to Survive and Prevent a Carjacking Very informative read. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Texas Home Invasion suspect shot dead by Homeowner’s Son
Texas home invasion suspect shot dead by homeowner’s son Another Houston home invasion foiled by an armed homeowner! Guns Save Lives! Teach your kids to shoot and defend themselves, the world is unforgiving and dangerous! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
WATCH: No One Had A Problem Watching A Man Get Beaten Up Until He Pulled Out His Gun
WATCH: No One Had A Problem Watching A Man Get Beaten Up Until He Pulled Out His Gun Society seems to have less of a problem watching someone get beaten up than watching the would-be victim defend himself with the best means possible. The lesson here is that sometimes you don’t have anyone to rely on…
Constitutional Carry In Texas Dies On The Grounds of Alleged Intimidation
Constitutional Carry In Texas Dies On The Grounds of Alleged Intimidation Regardless if they are “Republicans” or not, this is just another case of Anti-Gun spineless politicians sabotaging our Constitutional Rights. You are either with us or against us. The Line has been drawn. Pick your side. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Good Ole’ Fashioned Civil Disobedience
A Glaring Example Why Gun Owners Should Never Comply This is Proof the Tide will Turn when WE the People, Stand Up Against it! Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
When the Unexpected Meets the Unprepared
When the Unexpected Meets the Unprepared One must do everything within one’s power to increase their odds of survival. Those who depend on “luck” will die fasting. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!