It’s Time to De-Fund the NRA Just like the NFL, I lost Faith in the NRA several Years Ago and it’s “Leadership” have done NOTHING to restore confidence. Our Rights are too precious to be gambled away by these clowns. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
14 States and Counting!
Another State Just Passed Constitutional Carry Congrats South Dakota! You are finally living up to your self-sufficient, Pioneer past by letting the Constitution be your guide for your citizenry and not some piece of paper you have to pay the State for. Now Let’s hope the fire continues to Spread Across this Nation and we…
Shoot em’ To The Ground!
GBI releases body cam footage, other information about fatal OIS of man armed with butcher knife Vids like this make me reassess my Combat Pistol Training. A crazed nut with a butcher knife charges you. You shoot him four to five times center of mass from a distance of less than 10 yards. He gets…
How Gun Buy Backs Work For Dummies
Dose of Truth.
Pro-Government Guerillas Mix Political, Criminal Interest in Venezuela
Pro-Government Guerrillas Mix Political, Criminal Interests in Venezuela Interesting 4GW Model happening in Venezuela and Central America Right now. It would behoove the Martial Citizen aka Civilian Operator to take note of the Cyclical Historical relevance: This same dichotomy was seen in 1970’s and 1980’s Central America when Marxist Political Forces using Narco Dollars to…
7 Reasons Suppressor Ban May Cause Pro-Gun Voters to Abandon Trump
7 Reasons Suppressor Ban May Cause Pro-Gun Voters to Abandon Trump Out of all the reasons Number 4 is the most substantial to me. No other firearm “accessory” on the market suffers more from the unconstitutional and outrageous NFA restrictions than suppressors. Paying a “tax” to the federal Government to own a device already guaranteed…
GOA: The Trump Administration is Becoming Strangely Anti-Gun
GOA: THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION IS BECOMING STRANGELY ANTI-GUN I have said it many times before that I am not one of these who blindly rides the “Trump Train”. If you want to get down to brass tacks, Trump has NOT been the Pro-2A President he Promised in 2016. Actions Speak Louder than Words. Start…
Florida Petition to Ban “Assault Weapons” Bans Many Hunting Rifles and Some Shotguns
Stay Vigilant. The Enemy seeks to erode our rights slowly, one State at a time. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Developing an Effective Pre-Disposition for Violence
Good stuff from Mosby.
Nevada Sheriff’s Tell Dems NO on New Gun Law
NEVADA SHERIFFS TELL DEMS NO ON NEW GUN LAW I have said it before and I will say it again: When STATES start exercising some of that SOVEREIGNTY I am always talking about and get behind their local and state elected Officials, especially their Sheriff’s (which is the most powerful Law Enforcement office in…