In America today we certainly see signs of a pitched increase in societal friction, and finally we are seeing some signs of life on our side, whatever it is we are calling ourselves this week. The left has impeached Trump in the US House, but it appears he will not be convicted by the Senate… via…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
The Wounded Knee Massacre: The Forgotten History of the Native American Gun Confiscation
With 2020 just around the corner, this is a very relevant historical reminder of how Government Tyranny functions. Keep Your Eyes Open and Your Finger on the Trigger. Coming from site sponsor, 29 December is the anniversary of an infamous date which should stand as a permanent warning to a people disarmed. The…
Arizona Border Recon on Irish TV
Any Publicity is GOOD publicity and I am glad more International News Agencies are taking an Interest in the Good Fight Tim Foley and ABR are putting up on our Southern Border. Like Tim, I Urge everybody to EDUCATE themselves on the GRAVE REALITY of what is happening on our Southern Border. Stay…
Another Armed Citizen Saves Lives yet AGAIN in Another Texas Church Shooting
Texas church shooting gunman had ‘something not right’ about him, witness says; ex-FBI agent reportedly shot suspect Unedited Video of Shooting Forget all the Statistics and Political Agenda ranting. Armed Citizens Save Lives, Period. The World is getting More Dangerous and Unpredictable. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Don’t Forget Enough Ammo For Each
Rookie Numbers. 👎 You gotta Think Big People. Your life and the Life of your Family depends on it.👌👍 Stay Alert, ARMED and Dangerous!
What Happens When A Government Fights A Dirty War On Its Own People?
A Well written Big Picture snapshot by the Brushbeater. Pay particular attention to the Government/Crime Nexus mentioned. “Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality.” Our nation is at an impasse- a question of direction, going far beyond singular issues such as firearms ownership, personal privacy or economics- but…
On The Virginia Front
Let the Fire keep Rising.
The Auxiliary
In the coming months we have to keep our mentality PRACTICAL and GROUNDED in reality if we expect to survive. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous! With the continuing events happening within the Washington DC Inner Loop and in states around the country, my worst fears of civil strife are sadly coming to fruition. I sat…
Thousands Of Cops, Veterans, Supporters Pledge To Join Militia In Virginia To combat Unconstitutional Laws
Could this be Fort Sumter v2.0? Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
From a Student: Paradigm Shift
Good Stuff from my friend NC Scout. Keep Your training Practical and Relevant to your Mission. Don’t get caught up in the ‘Tacti-Cool” BS, it’s a waste of your time and money and will ultimately get you killed. Its always very rewarding hearing from students about what they learned in class- especially when it…