I Have Questions Not to sound like a “Told You So Timmy”, but I did in fact call this in a post dated 13 July 2024: The Haitian Great Replacement Continues… Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming of Suburban White Genocide: H/T Gab H/T WRSA
Category: Armed Citizen Corner
Attention White Men: Time to Get Your Rhodesia On
Rhodesia and What Could Have Been Don Shift Sends: SHTF Lessons from Rhodesia Rhodesia’s Death, Europe’s Funeral
Reality Check: FUSA is now a Refugee Camp
Take a Look at the Five Largest Refugee Camps in the World courtesy of the United Nations, aka Globo-Homo: The latest shenanigans in the so called ‘sanctuary city’ of Denver, Colorado, Ground Zero of the New Communist manifesto: Denver, a sanctuary city, is considering proposal to house migrants in elementary school: mayor’s…
FUSA Bulletin: Creeping Left Coast Anarcho-Tyranny
Plutocrat Donors Lead the Campaign to Legalize Crimes Seattle City Council changed its criminal code to excuse more than 100 misdemeanor offenses, if the defendant argues that the offense can be linked to poverty, addiction or a mental health issue. The proposal, dubbed the “Poverty Defense Fund,” would essentially make the following crimes LEGAL:…
Rifle Corner: Retrieving the Rifle – an Overlooked Skill
Retrieving the Rifle – an Overlooked Skill If you haven’t taken my Perimeter Defense Rifle class (or read Protecting Your Homestead), you may not know that one of the things I teach is the idea that the rifle is the gun we are most unlikely to have on our person when we need it. It’s the firearm…
Handgun Corner: Jeff Cooper’s First Article from 1946
Jeff Cooper’s First Article Here is a scanned copy of Jeff Cooper’s first published article, from the Marine Corps Gazette, in Sept 1946. Titled “What Good Is A Pistol?”, it discusses pistol training and caliber selection. Highlights: Cooper comments that the semiauto pistol be redesigned to have more slant and a slight curve — essentially…
Training Stressors
From the Archives, 2018 (Hermit Note: In keeping with my recent announcement of re-centering priorities of “Just Shut-Up and Train!” I will be posting articles from the archives that I feel are of vital import to the Armed Citizen. Let’s all make a point to get out there and train in whatever capacity we are…
Practical AK Mods
Short list of minimalist modifications needed to make the AK run like a champ 1. TRIGGER..TRIGGER…TRIGGER I will never forget what a very dear friend and gunsmith guru said to me many moons ago: “If you want any gun to be 100% of it’s capability, install a better trigger and you are 75%…
The Shooting People in the Face Drill, Revisited*
From the Archives, 2018 While training the other day I put in 20 rounds on the tried and true Mozambique or “Failure to Stop” Drill. After I ran through the drill I realized something: I had been training myself to PAUSE between the transition from the two shots to Center of Mass to the…