It’s Better to Shut Off the Computer I’ll let you in on a little secret. A knife has never been my go to choice for self-protection. I train with them. I instruct in the use of them. Hell, I’ve designed them. It was my dislike of the knife that drew me to better understand it….
Category: Armed Citizen Corner Video
World News: Mass Shooting in Prague – 15+ Killed! Did You Guess Moslem? Ukrainian?
Prague: Mass Shooting! 15+ Killed! Did You Guess Moslem??? Ukrainian??? We all saw the headline and thought it would be a Moslem taking revenge for Palestine, or a false flag Moslem done by the Israelis. Or a Ukraine refugee having problems integrating. Instead it’s a local incel, David Kozak, Age 24. With incels, you…
Kyle Rittenhouse Interview
4GW: Counter-Drone Technology
Texas News: What we know about a series of attacks that left 2 dead in NE Bexar County, 4 others dead in Austin
What we know about a series of attacks that left 2 dead in NE Bexar County, 4 others dead in Austin Via: Active Response Training Those of you who study active killers should take a look at this one. This might be the best example of the mobile active killers I’ve been writing about for…
PSA: In a Warzone, Always Be Armed
{Downtown Philadelphia} Unarmed Security Guard Fatally Stabbed at Philadelphia Macy’s In todays violent, unpredictable world never forget the ABC’s: ALWAYS BE CARRYING! Better to be Judged 12….
Booby Traps 101
FUSA Bulletin: Memphis Reaches New All-Time High Homicide Record
Tennessee: Memphis Reaches New All-Time High Homicide Record Memphis has been in the throes of a Five Alarm Chimp Out for some time, as recent post have shown, HERE and HERE. The destruction of American cities (with Memphis being just one of many) and the murder of innocent whites by armed gangs of inebriated…
26 Year Old White Christian Street Preacher and Veteran Shot in the Head in Arizona
26-Year-Old Pastor, Veteran Shot In The Head While Preaching The Gospel On Street Corner Hans Schmidt, a husband and father of two, Christian Pastor and former Army Combat Medic, remains in critical condition while Glendale police ask for the public’s help to find who’s responsible. Sadly, the Lame Stream Pravda media is not going…
2023: The Year of the Chimp-Out
Mob of Looters Ransacks Memphis Gas Stations, FedEx Truck To be honest, I can’t keep up with all of these damn nigger looting stories. Every time I turn around there is another clip going around of a truck being looted or a store pillaged. All Racial Reality aside, we are now at the point…