Video shows Houston robbery suspects and victim get into shootout This video proves two things: 1. Houston, Texas Homocide rate is now on schedule to become the next Chi-Raq in the next few years. 2. Go Armed 24/7 or Guess Right! It’s not clear if the victim was White but since the Three…
Category: Armed Citizen Corner Video
TCCC Twofer: Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep
Tactical Field Care, Massive Hemorrhage, and the Blood Sweep Make no mistake, one of the biggest area’s of training that martial civilians neglect is TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care.) Part 2 of this Excellent series can be found HERE. Train Hard. Train Realistically and Prepare Accordingly.
How to Build Your Own PVS-14
Making Maps
Another Practical skill-set to add to your toolbox. Download QGIS for free HERE
Crime Awareness: Car Theft Warning – The Criminal Use of Apple Airtags
CAR THEFT WARNING: THE CRIMINAL USE OF APPLE AIRTAGS As Martial Citizens of the 21st Century, we always need to be familarizing ourselves with new technology and how it can be used. Understanding the criminal use of a device not only helps the martial citizen stay safe and whole but also helps them learn…
Crime Awareness: Ghetto Dindu’s Impersonating Cops to do Home Robberies
HOME ROBBERIES SPIKE IN L.A.: New video shows men wearing ‘police-type’ vests attack victims and steal money It appears Dindu’s are running amok in the United Socialist Republik of Kalifornia! (Try to act surprised) First it was Pharmacies, then Malls, now this? You notice these POS are the only ones who have guns? Why is…
An Excellent AIWB Draw
An Excellent AIWB Draw Frame by frame lesson on a smooth AIWB (Appendix-Inside-The-Waistband) Draw. I think the most important lesson here is in Frame #1: Notice the trigger finger goes to the “high register” position of the gun on the outside of the holster. That way when the gun is deployed, the finger is…
The New Reality by Ken Hackathorn
H/T WRSA If you are a citizen who carries a Gun, Focus on Learning these 3 Things: 1. Awareness Get your nose out of your damn phone and BE PRESENT when you are out and about in public. If you can BE AWARE of a Threat before it becomes a PROBLEM you…
What Survivalist Can Learn from a Long-Distance Hiker
What Survivalist Can Learn from a Long-Distance Hiker By Crusoe Great information you can apply when building those BOB’s and VBOBS also! Ounces=Pounds and Pounds=PAIN! Be Smart! Don’t let comfort dictate your choices, let Practicality!
Know Your WW2 History: William E Fairbairn – The Man Who Shaped Hand-to-Hand Combat in WW2
William E Fairbairn: The Man Who Shaped Hand-to-Hand Combat in WW2 WW2 Combatives taught by Fairbairn, Applegate and Sykes are some of the most practical and street proven methods of self-defense every devised because they are #1 SIMPLE and #2 DOVETAIL into every level of the use of force continuum for the civilian: empty-hand, stick,…