H/T WRSA Young on “Che.” Lawson on Rhodesia Inspiring Read. Commies are a Scourge. Eradicate them.
Category: ANTIFA
Suffer Not the Communist
H/T WRSA Suffer Not the Communist (Apologies to Rudyard Kipling) So they bought us freedom—not at little cost Wherefore must we kill the Communist, lest our gain be lost, Over all things certain, this is sure indeed, Suffer not the Communist: for we know the breed.
The Power of Language
Watch Your Language Understanding how the marxist left and the anti-white coalition manipulates language to control the narrative is key in learning how to defeat them. “He who controls the language controls the masses” -Saul Alinsky
White Rage?
What is Behind Gen. Mark Milley’s Righteous Race Sermon? Look to the New Domestic War on Terror The Biden administration is fully enlisting the military in its war on “domestic terrorism” and it appears the military brass is just fine with that. The subjugation of the U.S. Military by the WOKE Marxist regime is…
What did you think was gonna happen assholes? 😅 You voted yourself into this Bullshit. You are NOT voting yourself Out of it. Nobody is Coming to Save You. You are on your Own. 🖕 H/T DTI “‘Anarcho-tyranny’ is a concept, where the state is more interested in controlling citizens, so that citizens…
There Will be Freikorps
H/T WRSA There Will Be Freikorps The uniforms, if any, will be different. As will the helmets. But as FUSA accelerates into its death spiral, the local police will go home to protect their families. 911 calls – whether for medical, fire, or police assistance – will be useless. The US military will be…
How Totalitarianism Rhymes Throughout History: Czechoslovakia, China, & Venezuela
How Totalitarianism Rhymes Throughout History: Czechoslovakia, China, & Venezuela As I always say Know Your History because those that don’t are DOOMED to repeat the mistakes of the past. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
This Weeks Food for Thought
H/T to WRSA Americans Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil Out From Our Society. Legal Injustice We will always have to answer for how we act now. Plan Accordingly. Act without Hesitation. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Unequal Justice or No Justice?
“KKK” White Driver Sentenced To 3+ Years With No One Hurt, Black Antifa Thug Who Ran Down Shane Moon Not Charged We all understand, of course, that the real difference here is that Charles Holliday-Smith holds political opinions the ruling class approves of, while James Fields holds political opinions they don’t approve of. Not to mention…
Wokewashing White America
Wokewashing White America As the old saying goes: “Don’t Piss down my back and tell me it’s raining!” Refuse and Resist. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!