Night Letters were a thing in Afghanistan. Back in the height of the war, while the Taliban was getting their shit pushed in and leaders rolled up every night, they’d leave night letters among key leaders’ homes in villages and in the cities assuring death if they aided us. The real goal was to scare… And…
Category: American Partisan
Surveillance 101
PDF Button Surveillance 101 — American Partisan
Cultural Marxism’s Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America
This comes from site sponsor Hope you got what you needed when you did. Ain’t much left now. -NCS You may have heard the terms “Cultural Marxism,” “Critical Theory” or “Frankfurt School” bandied about. 21 more words Cultural Marxism’s Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America — American Partisan
Kalashnikov Group: The difference between AK47 and AK103
PDF Button Kalashnikov Group: The difference between AK47 and AK103 — American Partisan
Armor: Chinese Stryker Brigade
Critical information on the development, task, purpose and implementation of the Chinese ZBL-09. Read the original at Strategy Page. -NCS China has begun organizing its first combined arms brigade based on the American experience with brigades equipped largely with the Stryker wheeled armored vehicle. This comes 17 years after the Americans introduced the Stryker but… Armor:…
Night Fighting: Basic Rules for Implementing NODs in a Guerrilla Column
You’ve got your column formed- the world has taken a turn for the worse, and the baddies are inbound for a raid. Fortunately, your team has the weapons they need and you agreed on a group standard with serviceable day optics and a combat load to go with it. Right on. Time to form up… Night…
Epoch Times: Manipulating America: The Chinese Communist Playbook
What comes next? You’re behind the curve on training. Fix that. Epoch Times: Manipulating America: The Chinese Communist Playbook — American Partisan
On War: Understanding the Importance of Doctrine
Doctrine is an important topic in warfighting, and perhaps the most important area for an intelligence officer to understand. Doctrine defined is The guiding principles that an adversary uses to plan and execute his operations. When we understand adversary doctrine, we’re better informed about what he might do in the future because we understand what… via…
A Dry Run For Red Flags?
It’s time to stop harping on how bad things have become and focus on using our time to Prepare Accordingly. Just watch. There’s a reason red flags were first. via A Dry Run For Red Flags? — American Partisan
The Wounded Knee Massacre: The Forgotten History of the Native American Gun Confiscation
With 2020 just around the corner, this is a very relevant historical reminder of how Government Tyranny functions. Keep Your Eyes Open and Your Finger on the Trigger. Coming from site sponsor, 29 December is the anniversary of an infamous date which should stand as a permanent warning to a people disarmed. The…