THE HELICOPTERS OF CHILE RETURN Know your 20th century Marxist history folks. Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Category: American Partisan
Meanwhile, in Chicongo
This is what your liberalism brings you. Meanwhile, in Chicongo — American Partisan
Floyd Brown Big Tech Tyrants
Most are shocked when I explain, usually in painful detail, just how much data is collected on you on a daily basis. And while some may opt for the normal cop-out of ‘well, I just don’t care’, you have a very serious reason to do, indeed, care. The world is a dangerous place. A hell… Floyd…
Normal American: The Revolutionary Red Zone
Originally appearing on Normal American. -NCS Wresting control of a once-free republic like America has been a painstaking job for our gulag-obsessed revolutionaries. They understand that if the people’s revolution kicks off too early, normal Americans might object in no uncertain terms. Our betters would love to set up guillotines for deplorables and sundry subhumans… Normal…
Cultural Superiority isn’t Racism: Why Western Values Underpin the World’s Best Countries
This comes from site sponsor Hope you got what you needed when you did. Ain’t much left now. -NCS Elements of the left and their allies in the media are constantly driving this point home: White people are bad and so is the culture that they have created. Cultural Superiority isn’t Racism: Why…
Rural Folk: Beware the Mass Urban Exodus
RURAL FOLK: BEWARE THE MASS URBAN EXODUS Well damn, first we had to worry about illegal aliens, then Californians, now I guess I am gonna have to add unwanted urban parasites to the list of “shoot on sight” targets? No Worries, plenty of lead to go around. Fair Warning: RURAL TX is CLOSED. GO…
The SPR: AR Guerrilla Sniper Rifle
Gaslighting the Post-Election Violence
In a predictable move, the media is gaslighting the likelihood of violence, post-election. No, not from the very same Leftists burning down cities and declaring themselves in open insurrection…oh no. 26 more words Gaslighting the Post-Election Violence — American Partisan