Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult For those of you old enough to remember the 1970’s, The Violent Marxist Far-Left is back and being fully supported by the U.S. Government. Mental Illness and Confusion always seems to go hand in hand with…
Category: American Partisan
Patriot’s Day
I’m a Day Late but it’s the Thought that Counts… H/T Commander Zero My favorite holiday. Dedicated to the notion that otherwise law-abiding citizens sometimes just need to shoot at The Man. I will argue that there is virtually no finer way to observe the holiday, short of leaving an upper decker…
VISUALIZED: Map of Ransomware Attacks Since 2018
VISUALIZED: Map of Ransomware Attacks Since 2018 Each dot represents the location of a ransomware attack, with the size of the dot depicting the number of records impacted. This map updates weekly and pinpoints the locations of each ransomware attack in the US, from 2018 to present day. Where available, it includes the ransom amount,…
Know Your Weapons: Russian BMP-Terminator Tank
BMP-Terminator: Designed after the lessons of the Chechen War This Tank or (Tank Support Combat Vehicle) design came in response to the DISASTER the Russian Army encountered in Grozny in 1994-95 when small elements of Guerilla Rifleman armed with RPG’s and Anti-Tank mines took out entire Russian Armored columns. Note the Grenade Launcher tubes…
Eating 8 Month Old Eggs | Preservation for Long Term Storage
Eating 8 Month Old Eggs | Preservation for Long Term Storage If you raise chickens, this is an AWESOME alternative to pickling eggs for long term storage! To me, raising chickens is kind of a no-brainer in terms of lowering your grocery bill and preparing for the upcoming food shortage in this country. Prepare…
PSA AK-104: The Perfect Kalash?
PSA AK-104: The Perfect Kalash? You have to admire and support a Firearms (and Ammo) Manufacturer that put’s it’s money where it’s mouth is in actively offering SOLUTIONS to an anti-2A, gun hating, gun grabbing liberal administration. PSA has been all about ACTION and not just useless 2A banter the past few years in…
How to Hide from Drones: Lessons Learned in Modern War
HOW TO HIDE FROM DRONES: LESSONS LEARNED IN MODERN WAR Some excellent information here. Drones are going to be part and parcel of Modern Guerilla Warfare, so take notes. Here is a post from the ARCHIVES as well.
Guerrilla Logistics
For someone looking for a role in the resistance auxiliary they might consider logistics. Undoubtedly logistics will be the difference between victory and failure of any guerrilla campaign. For supporters of the movement not able to physically fight, participation in the logistical chain would fulfill a vital and necessary role. What would be some the… Guerrilla…
Apache Tactics
APACHE TACTICS You can never read enough about Guerilla Warfare tactics and history. I would urge everybody to invest in a flash drive where you can keep reference materials like this handy. I would also urge all my readers to go over to Active Response Training and sign up for email alerts. Every month…
Biden Fans the Flames, Labels Trump Supporters “Domestic Terrorist”
BIDEN FANS THE FLAMES, LABELS TRUMP SUPPORTERS “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” I’ve been called worse names in my life. The really troubling thing about all this is (if you all have been paying attention) is it just not the so called “Trump Supporters” that fall into this category but anybody who is not on board the Woke…