The Nature of Guerilla Warfare in the Heart of ‘Mosby’s Confederacy’ I happened upon this 106 page theses paper submitted in 2015 to Clemson University by Brett D. Zeggil while doing research for an upcoming short story. For all you serious students of both Southern History and Guerilla Warfare, I urge you to read…
Category: American Partisan
Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups Are America’s Domestic Viet Cong
*From the Archives Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups are America’s Domestic Viet Cong Civil War 2 appears to be the new buzzword among both sides of the brewing conflict in the US, no longer considered some fringe notion. The Right and the Left find themselves at an impasse, and its rapidly…
Attention White Men: Time to Get Your Rhodesia On
Rhodesia and What Could Have Been Don Shift Sends: SHTF Lessons from Rhodesia Rhodesia’s Death, Europe’s Funeral
Texas News: Texas Oil Companies Under Attack from Migrant Gangs
Via: American Partisan
Know Your Dissident History: The Battle of Athens (1946)
This incident occurred in Athens, Tennessee in 1946. Many are completely unaware that an armed revolt by WWII veterans took place on American soil. Now the Second Amendment can be understood in it’s Original, unaltered Context: To Arm Citizens in order to protect themselves against a Tyrannical and Corrupt Government. FACTS: The…
Solzhenitsyn’s Choice
Solzhenitsyn’s Choice What is Solzhenitsyn’s choice? It is a personal decision to either go unresistingly when arrested by a tyrannical government or violently resist, probably at the risk of your life. In other words, do you love freedom so much that you are willing to die rather than surrender it? The chapter that…
Opinion: What are prototactics?
Read Twice and Distribute Freely.
Thermal Camouflage: The Jäger Rig
Observations of a Proud Southern White Man #3
First and foremost I want to remind ALL my brave readers to go over to American Partisan and read my good friend NC Scout’s excellent essay titled Welcome to Appalachistan and then pass it along to somebody they care about. I told Scout that it was one of the best damn essay’s I have…
The Children’s Story
H/T American Partisan “The Children’s Story” is a 4,300-word dystopian fiction novelette by James Clavell. It first appeared in Reader’s Digest (June 1964 issue) and was printed in book form in 1981. It was adapted by Clavell himself into a thirty-minute short film for television which aired on Mobil Showcase. (Wikipedia) Be Careful who Teaches…