BY HCS Technical Staff Disclaimer: HCS and any affiliated persons are not responsible for anything that may result from the use or misuse of the information below. The unauthorized interception of anyone’s communications without their consent or the appropriate legal authority is a serious crime in most jurisdictions. This information is for academic study and…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
School Shooting in France
The plague is worldwide.
Grip Force Adapters
We are going to be trying out the Grip Force Adapter for the Glock Pistol made by Grip Force Products. This nifty little invention is a “Snap on, NO permanent modification required” mod. They currently produce a Gen 1-3 and Gen 4 model. The one I am using today is a Gen 4. The package…
The Mad Max Chest Rig
Several years ago, if you wanted a chest rig for an AK, you had to modify an AR rig; today that is not the case, manufacturers got the memo and are making chest rigs for 7.62×39 in every configuration imaginable. It is the authors opinion that a Rifleman’s Belt or a Chest Rig/Plate…
Skimming Off the Top
by HCS Technical Staff “What is a card skimmer?” Card skimmers are nasty little devices that are designed to surreptitiously steal information off your bank card or credit card by reading the magnetic strip when you conduct a transaction at either an ATM machine, a self-checkout lane at a store, gas pump, a DVD rental…
The Holster Debate
Ahhhh..the old debate; Leather vs. Kydex for a gun holster. It is much akin to 9mm vs. .45 or AR vs AK debates of old. You have loyal disciples on both sides who are quick to tell you how they feel. As with all subjects, we here at HCS like to give you the facts and let…
Active Shooter at Texas Courthouse
The Plague continues…are you ready?
“Feeling Hot Hot Hot!”: Pepper Spray Selection and Training
By HCS Technical Staff “Mah only martial art is gun-fu!” “I’ll just draw down on the drunk trying to start a bar fight with me!” “Pepper gas is for girls!” Hang around the a gun shop long enough and you are bound to hear someone spout such idiocy. Anyone who tells you that you don’t…
Dress “Down” Essentials
The essence of this piece is prove to you that dressing “Tacti-cool” is not cool… if you carry a legally concealed weapon or want to remain “anonymous” in public so as not to alert strangers to your interest or training. Dressing “loud” or in other words dressing as to attract attention and notify other people that…
Counter Abduction Principles
You see it on the news…a botched child abduction in a Wal-Mart…your skin crawls and you think to yourself: “Would my kid(s) know what to do if somebody tried that?” The plain truth is that your kids will most likely NOT know what to do if you don’t talk to them about it and teach them frequently….