The broad strokes of this article was brought to my attention by a friend of mine, and with the recent post on Combatives, I thought it pertinent to add to the collection. I also wanted to use it to raise awareness, which is, as I have always said, the real reason for this blog. OK,…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Thinking “Combatively” Part I: Get Your Mind Right!
As of late, there has been alot of argument and conversation about small, pocket pistols and revolvers for self-defense. People have ranted that either they will work or they won’t in a street fight..I have to laugh because I think folks (like always) are missing the point. This article is not meant to persuade you…
P-64 Range Report and Final Opinions
Well, I finally got by Academy and picked up a few boxes of Monarch 9×18 94gr FMJ, steel cased. at $10 a box for 50…it actually felt good buying ammo for once instead of getting depressed and feeling like you just got taken advantage of!! I was going to wait and see how my gun…
The Best Little P-64 in Texas
Well, since I wrote the “Cruffling: Do it While you Can” Article, this little beauty arrived at my front door from the big brown truck of joy. She is officially my first C&R Pistol since I got my license. (She is pictured above with my Benchmade CBK Push Dagger…I thought it might look cool with…
Find the Thief!!!
Ok guys, here is a little exercise in situantional awareness…watch the below vid and see if you can spot the guy stealing the wallet. First one of you to comment on the minute and second (0:00) the EVENT happens, you get a prize. Later this week, we will discuss the methods of pickpockets in more…
Cruffling: Do it while you Can!!
I recently went through with something I have been meaning to do for some time: I got my FFL 03 Curio & Relics License (BTW, Licensees are called “Crufflers”) For those of you who have been living on the moon or just out of the loop, a C/R License or FFL 03 enables you…
Preparing to Win: The CO Drill Concept
“The Will to Win compares little with the will to prepare to Win.” …
Bubonic Plague back on Radar
You know Bio-Warfare has always both intrigued and scared the Hell out of me..the though of putting something like this in an aerosol bomb or in a city water supply makes alot of folks at the CDC terminal insomniacs. The Imperial Japanese Army was the first to use plague, when in 1940 they dropped plague…
Practical AK Mods
Short list of the minimalist modifications needed to make the AK run like a champ. 1. TRIGGER..TRIGGER…TRIGGER I will never forget what a very dear friend and gunsmith guru said to me many moons ago: “If you want any gun to be 100% of it’s capability, install a better trigger and you…
Drillin with the Kalash
Been hitting the range lately and wanted to drop a few drills and pointers…some of these are mine, some are not…find what works for you and build your own list. 1. Learning to control the weapon is key. Forget in front of the magazine hold..adapt a full front hand guard grip that mimics a torqueing…