Taken from the website Guns Save Lives: http://gunssavelives.net/self-defense/elderly-iowa-homeowners-shoot-and-kill-escaped-prisoner-who-shot-cop/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gunssavelives%2FYUiF+(Guns+Save+Lives) Stay Armed, Stay Dangerous….The Condition of the World demands it.
Author: The Tactical Hermit
The Less-than-Lethal Quandry
It has been lately, a flurry of heated discussion around here with my students. The basis for this argument is whether a tazer or some other form of stun device is a perfectly acceptable substitute for a handgun for self-defense. It all started with an off hand comment made by a local police chief during…
Defeating the “Legal Fear Mongering” with Concealed Carry
I have had a lot of students, friends and associates email me recently about how best to be prepared for the legal ramifications AFTER a justified shooting while carrying your concealed carry weapon in Texas or elsewhere. The George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case once again brought this important issue to light, if not created an Atmosphere…
If a person Cannot stand his Ground, what can he do?
Blog: If a person ‘cannot stand his ground, what can he do?.
A Chair, a Bat and some Determination!!
Jeff Cooper famously said “Violent crime is feasible only if it’s victims are COWARDS.” This video proves that point. It also goes to show what can happen when CO’s work together against a common enemy and FIGHT! (Sidenote: Kudos to those fireman who came in and kicked ass!!!) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=da4_1373496138
Riots: Ain’t Nobody Gonna Like It
Stop and consider recent American History for a minute…the Zimmerman Trial is this generations Rodney King Trial times 10.
The Survival “Rule of 3”
There are several things worth securing to memory when talking about Survival, but the following 3 things dealing with the essential of life: Air, Water and Food, are handy things to remember if you ever find yourself in a jam. Take in mind that there are always exceptions to the rule, like the man who…
Another Reason to Keep your Kids Close……….
This was one of the scariest kidnap incidents I have seen in a long time. As a parent I was on pins and needles through the entire video. Kudos to the Midwest City, OK Police Chief who saved the little girls life; he did not hesitate at the moment of truth and was textbook throughout…
Are Suppressors, SBR’s and Bullet Hoses Worth It?
You know I get asked alot of firearms questions, some of them technical, some of them tactical; but the ones that I really like are the VALUE questions…not just in terms of financial value, but in terms of Practicality. A recent example would be how practical is it for the CO to own an Uzi??…
The Armed Citizens Project
You know it only take a spark to start a fire? One small chemical reaction can start a blaze that can burn thousands of acres to ash. One of the few redeeming qualities of fire is it clears away the OLD so that the NEW can grow. I came across one of those sparks recently,…