**Don’t forget to tune into The Outlaw Dave Show on KPRC FM Radio ever Tuesday Night at 8pm CST for Intel Overwatch with Bill Powell.** http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150530/1022760101.html According to some reports, German and US intelligence agencies were spying on Belgium by monitoring data passing through 15 cables, mostly used by Proximus, the largest of Belgium’s three mobile telecommunications companies. Allegedly, Germany’s Deutsche Telecom could have collaborated with the BND. Belgium and the Netherlands have launched an investigation into alleged espionage by Germany, blaming Berlin for assisting the United States in spying on its EU allies CHINA http://atimes.com/2015/05/china-to-invest-900-billion-in-new-silk-road/ China Development Bank (CDB) unveiled plans Thursday to invest more than $890 billion in the project which goes by the official moniker of “One Belt, One Road.” Funding from new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund- more than 900 projects involving 60 countries. These projects include coal and gas, mining, electricity, telecommunications, infrastructure, agriculture, and people-to-people exchanges that will help trade and capital flow. Six corridors would be China-Mongolia-Russia, New Eurasian Land Bridge, China-Central and West Asia, China-Indo-China Peninsula, China-Pakistan, and Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar with no travel restrictions and overseas with Latin America http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20150531000044&cid=1101&MainCatID= China declared that overseas military bases will be necessary to carry out the New Economic Silk Road Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (“Belt and Road”) initiatives, China’s economic development is now deeply tied in to the global economy. China’s oil industry relies on natural resources from the Middle East and Central Asia, while Chinese construction companies need materials from Southern Africa and Latin America, which is why China is so keen to press ahead with the Belt and Road plan. http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20150531000045&cid=1101 China has more fighters than the United States – and they know it however their limitation was about 350 miles from the coast. Not now with islands in the s china sea http://ausairpower.net/APA-NOTAM-170209-1.html interesting piece from 2009 I agreed with back then and the US has even less fighters now , even with older, crappier fighters China wins through attrition …
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Netflix Pix: Return to the Philippines, the Leon Cooper Story
Guys, you gotta do yourself a big favor and carve out a hour of your time and watch this documentary. If you call yourself a Patriot and lover of Freedom, this documentary will not only grab ahold of your heart but also piss you off to no end…yeah, this show involves your Government turning it’s…
Where have all the Rifleman Gone?
“Make good scouts of yourselves. Become good rifle shots so that, when it becomes necessary that you defend your families and your country, you can actually do it!”- Baden-Powell, founder of Boy Scouts Men trained in arms from their infancy, and animated by the love of liberty, will afford neither a cheap or easy conquest. – Declaration…
Its Just Another Knife….
KnifeRights.Org continue to help repeal Un-Constitutional Knife Laws. Fight for your rights for all weapons, not just firearms. Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill Signed by Governor Posted on June 2, 2015 Switchblade KnifeRights.org Gilbert, AZ –-(Ammoland.com)- Knife Rights’ Nevada Knife Law Reform Bill, SB 176, was approved by Governor Sandoval on Monday,…
NFA Weapons Now Legal in TX?
To me, it is a sad state of affairs when the STATES have to pass laws to protect their citizens against the laws of the Federal Government. Just more proof that the SOVEREIGNTY of the State is the last refuge of the citizen who desires True Constitutional Government. Posted on June 2, 2015 Capping A…
Texas Campus Carry Passes: Now to Governor Abbott
Posted on June 1, 2015 By Dean Weingarten Texas Campus Carry Passes; Now to Governor Abbott Dean Weingarten Arizona – -(Ammoland.com)- The campus carry bill passed the last hurdles in the Texas House and Texas Senate today, 31 May, 2015. The bill was significantly altered during the debates in the House and in the conference…
Movie’s on Guerilla Warfare
Since my last post on Guerilla Warfare, I thought I would gather up for you guys some movies on Netflix about Guerilla Warfare you could peruse this summer that are both entertaining, educational and provide some context for your study. The Liberator This movie documents the life and exploits of Simon Bolivar, quite possibly, one…
Muzzle Discipline FAIL with SLAMFIRE
No matter the firearm, paying attention where your muzzle is pointed is IMPERATIVE at all times, but most especially during the unloading and clearing of the weapon. If there are two general things you can convey to people about firearm safety it is these two: Keep your finger OFF the trigger until ready to FIRE…
Criminals TRY to rob Beauty Salon
Brazil: The Poster Country for why BEING ARMED STOPS CRIME. This brave off-duty woman cop, in the middle of getting her highlights done, pulls out her handgun and drives off the would-be robbers. Awesome job. Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!
Open Carry Update
For those of you keeping up with this, it appears all the political haggling and filibusters are over. HB 910 has officially been sent to Governor Abbotts desk for his signature, which will make Open Carry of a handgun Legal in Texas with a Permit. Meanwhile, here is something that really matters: Although as…