It is often said it is the smallest things that can make the biggest difference in an emergency situation. Packing that pair of jumper cables before that road trip or that extra bundle of toilet paper perhaps. But it goes without saying that having a small and inexpensive light source wherever and whenever you…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
What Soldiers Want in Their Care Packages
Having served in the Military, almost all of it overseas, I know firsthand the absolute JOY a soldier gets when they receive a care package from home. It not only provides them with items to make their life a bit more tolerable while in the “suck”, but it also let’s them know somebody back…
Paying off jihadist NEVER works: A Short History lesson
By Karin McQuillan As Congress is on the verge of giving President Obama his Iran Deal, including a payoff of $150 billion dollars to Iran’s terror regime, they might do well to contrast our founding fathers with the current occupant of the White House. In the Ramadan speech in which he declared his support for…
Use Espionage to Destroy ISIS
By William A. Levinson Sun Tzu’s Art of War admonished more than 2500 years ago, “Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy’s condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces…
Video of Hostage Rescue in Brazil: WARNING! VIOLENT!!
If you guys have not figured it out yet, Brazil is a VIOLENT country. Every day there are leaked videos of robberies, shootings, kidnappings, you name it. Here, for reasons unknown, we have some drugged out POS armed with a revolver holding a woman hostage in front of a church. After a while, a concerned…
Netflix Pix: Above and Beyond
In May I had suggested Steven Pressfield’s most recent book The Lion’s Gate as a book you should attempt to read this summer. Well, if you want to watch a worthwhile documentary that covers some of the same amazing people and exploits discussed in the book, then you need to watch Above and Beyond on Netflix….
And The Creep of the Year Award Goes to…Joe Biden, Of course!
I know I said I would not post anymore political stuff, but I could not help myself on this one. Of course this creep is running for President and whats worse, a portion of Americans will vote for him…before you do however, consider this video. Get Ready to Laugh…and be sure and look at the…
Non-Kinetic Warfare Skills for the Civilian
The Kinetic Threats faced by the 21st Century Civilian Operator are getting more and more violent and random. Every day it seems we hear on the news about another Active Shooter, Carjacking, Kidnapping or Home Invasion. For most CO’s, this ignites a burning desire to train harder, more realistic and more enthusiastic than ever before….
The OODA Loop, Revisited
John Boyd’s OODA loop teaches troops how to make the right decision with little time and scant info. By Mike Grice You make decisions every day. Dozens and dozens of them. Some are easy — coffee or latte? — and some are more complex. Regardless of what kind of decision you need to make, you…
Motorcycle Muggers get a Face Full of Lead for their Troubles…
Another example why I always say Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous! If you do not drill on engaging targets from a a vehicle, you need to start. Your vehicle is where you spend the other 1/3 of your time besides your home and work..Keep your Training realistic and practical!