Razor Wire?! Yeah we are going to have to get more aggressive than that Hungary if you expect to stop these people. I say Plant one large landmine field, after about a dozen buy the farm the rest will get the message, spread the word and head back to whatever shitbox they crawled out of….
Author: The Tactical Hermit
National Security Update: ISIS Threatens to Kill Soldiers and Families
Although I am not fan of Geller as whole, I do appreciate her looking out for our Active and Non-Active duty military. It is a sad state of affairs when the co called Federal “Counter-Terrorist” Agencies are flagrantly and repeatedly dropping the ball by using federal resources and manpower chasing and watching mythical “right wing”…
21st Century Facial Recognition Software: What the CO Needs to Know
By Hammerhead With America well on its way to becoming known as “Uncle Snoopy” versus “Uncle Sam”, one has only to look at the current surveillance state of Great Britain to see where most American cities will be in five years. At current count, Great Britain has over 5.9 Million CCTV cameras spread over…
Time to Get out in the Woods and go PRIMAL
As a whole, most Civilian Operators devote a majority of their time (and budgets) to self-defense training. They see the world around them going to shit at an accelerated pace and want to be ready should the wolf come knocking. And while this is admirable and NEVER should be discouraged in any way, as…
Primitive Skills Checkup
The Civilian Operator must NEVER neglect training on the skills which would enable him to survive and be self-sufficient from modern society. Going back and learning and training on Primitive Skills is the only way you can ensure the future of yourself and loved ones when the world goes down the proverbial sewer pipe.-SF …
A Self Defense Pro On Teaching Girls To Kick The Crap Out Of Attackers
For those CO Fathers out there with your own little “Princesses”; you should read this, regardless of her age..SF Here’s a stat you should swallow your Lucky Charms before reading: 1.9 million women are assaulted in the U.S. every year. That’s why Tim Larkin, a member of the Black Belt Hall Of Fame…
Military REVISES Count Says 500 Americans likely Killed in Iraq by “Iranian Activities”
I can tell you for a fact that our of ALL the IED deaths in Iraq (2,550) at least half or more were Iranian EFP’s; that is way more than 500 deaths folks, it is more like 1,200. Let’s tell the truth for once Washington. -SF CENTCOM says that 500 number Sen. Ted Cruz keeps…
Best AK-47 Stock Kits and Videos
By Thomas Conroy USA–(Ammoland.com)- The AK-47 is like vodka in some ways. Straightforward, elemental, and dependable. It seems completely uncomplicated, especially compared to its counterparts developed in the decadent, capitalist West by and for the bourgeoisie who – as recently decried by a certain American Socialist – actually want 23 types of deodorant and 18…
HCS’ Personal Video and Picture 9/11 Memorial and Tribute
Today is a Day to not only Pause and Remember the victims and victims families of 9/11 but to continue to honor those who have fallen by constantly reminding the World of not only the Evil Deeds of Terrorist, but the Evil Deeds of our own Politicians who continue to LIE about the events surrounding…
History in Comparison: 2015 Syrian Refugee Invasion of Europe with the 1980 Cuban Mariel Boat-Lift
By Hammerhead Europe once again is being invaded by the islamic hordes from the Middle East. Many centuries ago it was the Persians, then the Moors, then the Ottomans. Now in the 21st Century , we have the relatives of these invaders repeating the invasion of Europe but going by much more benign and…