To make the lie seem real, all the video conspiracy theorists had to do was delete that one frame and, presto, no slide movement and no ejected casing appears. Covington VA –-( I am totally disgusted with a bunch of conspiracy-theory videos on the internet dealing with the WDBJ shootings. The people (for lack…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Spy Agency Contractor Puts Out a $1M Bounty for an iPhone Hack
AS LONG AS hackers have sold their secret hacking techniques known as zero-day exploits to government spies, they’ve generally kept that trade in the shadows. Today it’s come into the spotlight with the biggest bounty ever publicly offered for a single such exploit: $1 million for a technique that can break into an iPhone or…
Brim-It Hat Clips: Make A Statement!
I recently received some very cool “Accessories” for my Headgear from the good folks over at Brim-It. These metal clips simply clip onto the brim of your cap or hat and instantly you are representing! No matter what your thing, Brim-It has you covered; Whether you are a Hunter, Shooter, Patriot or just a simple Proud…
Rolling out the Welcome Wagon to the Enemy…
It appears BHO’s agenda and timetable of helping to establish the islamic caliphate here in America has been accelerated. Tell me How far we have fallen as a Country when 14 years after 9/11, 6 years after Fort Hood and not even a year after Chattanooga, that we are going to give these people the…
The USMC Unit Stalked by Suicide
So often, these types of stories are swept under the rug by the media and the general public. Vets deserve our support and help not just while deployed but when they get back too.-SF After the sixth suicide in his old battalion, Manny Bojorquez sank onto his bed. With a half-empty bottle of Jim…
Russian Roulette T-Shirts: Proudly Display your Attitude and LIfestyle!
The folks over at Russian Roulette Clothing recently sent me a small sample of their T-Shirts and I wanted to show you guys what they looked like. If you did not guess from the name, RRC specializes in shirts for folks who favor the AK and Mosin-Nagant platform of weapons..but don’t worry, if you are…
Join and Support the Orange Resistance!
Since the lame stream, liberal lap dog media is too busy talking about STAGED PR EVENTS where muslim boys in Texas are being “discriminated” against because they bring things that sound and look like bombs to school, I wanted to offer you guys some REAL NEWS. -SF The ethnic and religious purging of Christians…
Savage Arms introduces the Model 11 .308 Scout Rifle
Suffield, CT -( The new Savage Arms 11 Scout Rifle combines all of the qualities for which scout-style firearms are known with Savage’s legendary performance. Part of the brand’s law enforcement series, this rifle is lightweight for fast-handling. It easily allows operators to get on target and place accurate shots in real-world conditions. Shipments…
Apt. 29, aka “The Dukes”: 7 Years of Russian Cyber Espionage
Today we release a new whitepaper on an APT group commonly referred to as “the Dukes”. We believe that the Dukes are a well-resourced, highly dedicated, and organized cyber-espionage group that has been working for the Russian government since at least 2008 to collect intelligence in support of foreign and security policy decision-making. The Dukes…
Worlds First Integrally Suppressed 9mm Pistol
I don’t know about you, but when I first saw this thing, it reminded me of Robocop’s Gun. You be the judge. -SF USA – -( The biggest announcement at SilencerCo’s recent Maxim Vice event was the reveal of the Maxim 9 – an integrally suppressed 9mm pistol. Never before has a company successfully…