Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter bravely sacrificed themselves to stop a suicide bomber, saving the lives of 150 comrades. On April 22, 2008, in Ramadi, Iraq, two Marine infantrymen stood their ground and opened fire on a truck carrying 2,000 pounds of explosives as it barreled toward their post and the 150…
Author: The Tactical Hermit
Bank Robber Foiled by Right-to-Carry Permit Holder
Detroit, Mich USA –-(Ammoland.com)- Somewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family. “We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every…
The New Glock G40, Gen 4, aka “GlockZilla”, A 10mm Masterpiece
USA – -(Ammoland.com)- At SHOT Show 2015, Glock unveiled a new pistol that flew a bit under the radar as people were clamoring for a Glock Carbine or a single stack 9mm. That pistol was the Glock G40 Gen4 in 10mm with a 6″ bbl and 9″ slide with the company’s new MOS option (modular optic…
Intel Overwatch News Synopsis 9-22-15
http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/news/a17425/germanys-got-a-4-barrel-laser-gatling-gun/ Drones are becoming a big problem for armed forces worldwide. They’re small, difficult to detect, and operated by armies and terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas. The drone threat isn’t just limited to the Middle East: in 2014, South Korean authorities found North Korean drones had overflown the Blue House—the official…
Bad-Ass of the Week: Douglas Bader
Tuesday September 15th was the 75th anniversary of Battle of Britain Day – the high point in an epic five-month campaign that ripped apart the skies above England during the early stages of World War II. With Hitler noscope teabagging all of Europe in 1939 and 1940 and celebrating like he’d just blindsided a QB…
Obama tweeted support of Muslim clockmaker before clock pic released
Well whatta you know, this was all a STAGED PR event in obama’s overtly aggressive campaign to coerce the brain dead American public to see muslims as the victims versus the invaders.-SF It is increasingly obvious that this was a staged, planned attempt to create an “Islamophobia” event and intimidate people into not reporting suspicious…
Mosul’s Vigilante Brigades Risk It All To Take On IS
This is gonna be America in 5 Years if we keep letting Hundreds of Thousands of “refugee” muslims into this Country and eventually it all falls to Sharia Law. Sound Far Fetched? Look at the condition both socially and legally in Great Britain.-SF Their identities are secret. They work after sundown, preferring deserted areas of…
The CIA’s Campaign to Steal Apple’s Secrets
RESEARCHERS WORKING with the Central Intelligence Agency have conducted a multi-year, sustained effort to break the security of Apple’s iPhones and iPads, according to top-secret documents obtained by The Intercept. The security researchers presented their latest tactics and achievements at a secret annual gathering, called the “Jamboree,” where attendees discussed strategies for exploiting security…
How Chesty Puller Earned his 5 Navy Crosses
Chesty Puller is one of my all time favorite Marines in History. One look at this guy and immediately you know he is somebody not to be trifled with! This devil dog’s career spans decades of conflict over several continents. A Modern Day Spartan… A True Warrior, A True Marine. A Man built for the…
Nigeria: Islamic State murder 85 in series of jihad bombings
While the state controlled lame-stream media was busy distracting you with clock/bomb shenanigans and Trump insulting people, boko haram (or ISWA) is steadily marching across Africa murdering innocent people and establishing the caliphate…SF But…but…a kid brought a clock to school! But…but…Islamophobia! Boko Haram pledged allegiance to the Islamic State several months ago, and changed its…