It’s the weekend folks, have a laugh, relax and lower that blood pressure a few notches.
Author: The Tactical Hermit
A Grunt’s Thoughts on the Loss of Kunduz
By Ryan Blum Best Defense guest columnist As I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed during my Monday morning commute I almost overlook a post from my old Company Commander: “Taliban Fighters Overrun Kunduz City as Afghan Forces Retreat” My mouth drops. Back in March of 2010 my unit took responsibility for Kunduz Province in northern…
Unsung Heroes: The Corpsman who Saved 5 Marines at Nasiriyah
Navy corpsman Luis Fonseca ran through hell to treat five wounded Marines, carrying one to safety himself. On March 23, 2003, in Nasiriyah, Iraq, Luis Fonseca, a seaman apprentice, was a Navy corpsman on his first deployment, assigned to the Marine Corps’ 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion. Fonseca’s unit was tasked with capturing and holding the…
Gun Free Zones=Easy Targets for Maniacs
The stats don’t lie. Gun Free Zones are an open invitation for maniacs and terrorist to MURDER. Let’s wake up lib-tard lawmakers, the solution is not more restrictive gun laws regulations, the solution is to equip the law-abiding citizen with every TOOL they need to defend themselves. -SF Washington DC – -( During an October…
Cartel Land
This premiered in theaters in July and is now streaming on Amazon. Well worth the money of the BEST Documentaries on how common, everyday people are having to take up the War against Drugs and the Cartels on BOTH sides of the Border. Read more about the movie HERE.
Oregon Gunman Singled Out Christians During Rampage
More on Shooter HERE The gunman who opened fire at an Oregon community college was forcing people to stand up and state their religion before he began blasting away at them, survivors said Thursday. A woman who claimed to have a grandmother inside a writing class in Snyder Hall, where a portion the massacre unfolded,…
Crypsis and Mimesis: The Future of Camoflauge and Cloaking
“Berkeley Lab Researchers Create Ultrathin Invisibility Cloak.” So reads a news release from the US Department of Energy’s venerated lab at the University of California, Berkeley. The cloak is too small for even the tiniest of boy wizards — it can cover no more than a few human cells — but it’s a neat accomplishment. It is not, however,…
Razor Wire, Soldiers and Mud: Hungary Sealing itself off from Europe’s Migrant Route
Things may get really ugly if the islamic horde press the issue in Hungary..and frankly, I think they need to get ugly so the rest of he World can WAKE UP to what is happening. I have always said International Law and Politics is just like Industrial Safety Regulations: They are WRITTEN IN often takes…
Hurricane Joaquin: How to Get Flood Plain Data
It’s a matter of days before Hurricane Joaquin hits the East Coast; the first in the past 15 months despite lots of enviro-pandering that we’d experience more frequent and severe hurricanes as a result of global warming. At any rate, it’s been a while since I blogged, and in light of this hurricane, I wanted…
Six months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of Strategic Services to collect and analyze intelligence and conduct special operations. Its formal existence lasted just three years. But more than 70 years on, the U.S. organizations charged with these missions today remain indelibly influenced by the OSS…