Author: The Tactical Hermit
More Anarcho-Tyranny
51-year-old man is charged with murder after 3 are stabbed in New York City rampage So to recap: a homeless mental Spic with 8 arrest in one year, seven of them felonies walks around NYC free as a bird and stabs to DEATH the following three victims: an Ecuadorian migrant, a Chink who was…
Every Single Time Collection
Who Really Owns the UFC?
Bad Ass Files: Francis Wharton
Memery Theft (Morning Edition)
Coal Burner w/Retard Spawn
Know Your Guerilla Warfare History: The Boer War
Boer War Origins The origins of the Boer War lay in Britain’s desire to unite, or confederate, the British South African territories of the Cape Colony and Natal with the Boer republics of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic (also known as the Transvaal). The Boers, Afrikaans-speaking farmers, wanted to maintain their…
Small-Unit Tactics: The Flying Column
Ireland’s Wars: Flying Columns The popular memory of the Irish War of Independence, at least if you happen to be Irish, often revolves around the image of the IRA “flying column”. For a large number of people, those two words indicates a very particular type of unit: A sort of mobile platoon that lived and…