Trucker who can’t speak English kills 5 in Texas crash—he likely had a ‘non-domicile CDL’…
You’ve probably heard about the tragic 17-car pileup in Austin, Texas, that killed at least five people, including an infant. But what you may not have heard is that the semi-truck driver didn’t speak English.
Of course, CBS News conveniently left out the fact that the truck driver couldn’t speak English—so how could he possibly understand road signs? But they did post his name.
Five people were found dead on the scene, including one adult, a child and an infant. Eleven others were taken to hospitals.
Two hospitalized adults had life-threatening injuries, officials said.
Austin police said they arrested Solomun Weldekeal Araya, 37. He has been charged with five counts of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of intoxication assault.
But there’s actually a video of a witness confronting the driver, speaking to him in English. It’s clear the driver, who seems totally out of it—possibly inebriated—could barely understand what was happening—or what the witness is even saying.
You’re probably wondering how someone who can’t speak English managed to get a CDL license, right? Well, keep reading—we’ve got all the ugly details coming up.
American Truckers:
ATU has confirmed: the driver behind today’s horrific Austin, TX crash—killing 5 and injuring 11—barely spoke English. Experts say he was almost certainly on a Non-Domicile CDL. Special interest groups have flooded our roads with unvetted, unqualified, untrained drivers, endangering us all!
DEMAND AN IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION into this driver’s licensing, vetting, and training—or lack thereof!
MORE CRITICALLY, LAUNCH A NATIONAL PROBE into the entities allowing illiterate, ill-trained operators onto our highways!
RTWT @ Revolver