Technocracy Ascending-Part 2: Trust Me, I’m a Technocrat
Part 1 of this series detailed a brief history of the movement started by Technocracy Inc. in the 1930s to completely transform North America into a scientific dictatorship. Their vision of a technocratic regime required all industry, resources, and governance be managed by scientists, engineers, and technicians.
Today, many aspects of their original plans are being executed through intentional collaboration between Big Tech, government, and NGOs, with power continually shifting toward present-day tech titans. The questions this installment seeks to answer are: (1) who authorized today’s technocrats to act in humanity’s interest, (2) what is their overarching world view, and (3) what are they hoping to accomplish?
Though they would argue, technocratic governments trend toward elitist rule. How could they not since technocracy’s core tenet posits that only the best and brightest (and often wealthiest) in STEM-related fields are fit to run society? Technocrats are averse to all political systems, believing they alone possess the knowledge and skill required to achieve the “common good” in all societies. Nevertheless, they often work behind the scenes within all forms of government to achieve their means. While promising equality, their rule can be more accurately described as a technical oligarchy, hence the need for extreme caution.
RTWT @ Off-Guardian