H/T Evil White Guy
12 Days of Technocracy
Day 1: We Were Warned About Technocracy
“This is not Marxism, Socialism or Communism. It is Technocracy. Everything else going on around us is a sideshow that provides nothing more than a convenient cover for those behind the curtain who are the real movers and shakers in the world.”
Day 2: Academic Backing Of Technocracy
“The academic support for modern Technocracy is obvious and easily traced. The literature is pointed and definitive: they all envisaged a technocratic elite rising to dominate populations.”
Day 3: Technocracy In Europe And America
“Having entrenched themselves into an unmovable power structure, these Technocrats are now killing off democracy, free enterprise and capitalism in order to implement the economic system of Technocracy known as Sustainable Development or the Green Economy. This is a resource-based economic system, unlike the free market of supply and demand, where both production and consumption are controlled by a single entity – namely, those same Technocrats.“
Day 4: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism
“Those who believe that Socialism (or Communism) is the bogeyman just can’t get it out of their head. I have sat down with intelligent people and carefully gone through the following table of comparisons, and they have eagerly nodded their heads in agreement. But the next day they revert right back to talking about the dangers of Socialism and Communism. Were they just not paying attention? Were they being disingenuous and only pretending to agree with me? Probably neither.”
Day 5: The Fitting Of Technocracy And Transhumanism
“Both believe that advanced science, engineering and technology are the exclusive instruments of progress. Both are adept at promising benefits that are always just around the corner, but that never materialize. Both are expert at manipulating governments to supply taxpayer resources to fund their respective projects. Both believe they are hijacking evolutionary processes to create a future engineered by technologists.”
RTWT @ 12 Days of Technocracy