Israel’s Love Affair with Syrian Jihadis
Zionist apologists commonly present support for Israel as a necessary extension of opposition to radical Islam and the threat of Jihadi terrorism. “Support us fighting them here, so you don’t have to fight them there” is a common plea to the West from Zionist spokespeople within Israel. Yet when it comes to the Syrian Civil War, the conflict which sparked the major refugee crisis responsible for flooding Europe with millions of Muslims, Israel has been firmly on the side of Jihad, even and most particularly Al-Qaeda.
Israeli support for Jihadis in Syria first became known in the West when reports circulated of Israel providing medical care to anti-Assad fighters on its contested border with Syria.
Israel portrayed this as a principled humanitarian response, but in 2015, the Wall Street Journal reported that only a third of those treated by Israel were women and children. Electronic Intifada:
RTWT @ The Unz Review
Further Reading:
From ‘Terrorist’ To ‘Freedom Fighter’: How The West Rebranded Al-Qaeda’s Jolani
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