Via: Big Country

A Glock 3-D Printer Variant of the G-19.
And that mag?
Glock 17. Way longer than the grip/magwell.
Threaded Barrel.
Suppressor height iron sights.
It is NOT a Poly80 however.
Zooming in you can see the ‘threading’ and stippling on the grips that one gets from a 3-D Printer. Also, it lacks the lower front rail of a Poly80:

Plus, Poly80 went out of business almost a year ago.
Ain’t many (if any) at all out there left around.
It also might have a Brownell’s slide as stated by some Gunfolks on the Twatter:

However, the front slide cuts, while similar to Browness, the pic shows the cuts are almost at the very front of the slide whereas the Brownell slide has about 1/2in to 3/4 of an inch of smooth steel before the cuts come into play:

In fact, on second inspection, those cuts on the Adjuster’s weapon are right ON the front sight post, whereas the 19? They’re behind the post site.
Well… either way, a MAJOR gift that keeps on giving to Leviathan AND the Controllers.
A 3-D Weapon AND a Suppressor used in a high profile crime?
Watch the ban hammer come out like a Pure-Dee motherfucker now. Just as Suppressors were looking at going ‘mainsteam(er)’ this shit happens?
I mean why did he even use one?
Unless it was all part of the Grand Plan
Gunshots on the street of NYFC are a daily occurrence.
And considering the way this was done?
Pure Theater.
RTWT @ Big Country ExPat