The Penny Drops?
Neely was threatening to kill people on the subway. he literally said “someone is going to die today!” he was screaming at a mom and her 2 year old who was in a stroller.
You tell me what kind of world you want to live in:
This one:

Or this one:

“Rare occasions”? well, only if you live in a sane place. If you inhabit a madness carnival like the NYC subway, I’m not so sure about rare. but “rare” is still a weasel word. This is not about whether the situation was common, it’s whether a reasonable person would fear for their life or the lives of others when placed in it.
Neely has assaulted numerous people quite severely including literally breaking a senior citizen’s face on the subway. He kidnapped a child. He’s ranting about killing people at a 2 year old.
Sorry, but if this is not over the line on your standard for “reasonably feared for the life and safety of those threatened” I’d love to know what is. Does he actually have to eat their face first? because that’s not a standard that works.
The reason this happened is that because despite over 40 arrests and being out on an assault warrant, the courts kept treating this mentally ill menace to everyone like he was some fragile, misunderstood child and setting him free. 40 arrests. many violent. still out yelling at toddlers on the train.
Penny is not the aggressor here, the justice system is.
They made this happen.