FBI Becomes The Jewish Mafia
Two students at George Mason protesting the Israeli genocide occurring in Gaza had the door to their home broken down and their house ransacked by FBI thugs without any search warrant. There were no charges of any kind, yet the students were kicked out of school. The holocaust occurring in Gaza is accompanied by an increasing number of Gestapo-style home break-ins by government goons in the U.S. The same government goons who stood by and did nothing while the Only Black Lives Matter communists set fire to cities, especially in Minneapolis. Remember all those “mostly peaceful protests”?
George Mason University’s Gestapo-Style Raid of a Private Home

Y’all are going to find out.
With the incoming administration of Donald Trump, things are about to get a lot more difficult. Oh, you may see money in your pocket (money that is lawless and constantly losing its value), but it’s everything else that he is bringing with him, including a Zionist-heavy cabinet and staff.
Zionists Have Captured The US Under The Incoming Administration (Video)
RTWT @ Evil White Guy
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