The 5 Carry Conditions – How Do You Carry Your Handgun?
I heard some scuttlebutt recently about folks carrying without a round in the chamber, ie “Israeli Carry” or Condition Three to guard against “Negligent Discharges” or ND’s.
First off, When trouble comes knocking at your door, I can assure you he’s not going to come when it’s convenient or when your calendar is wide open. Mr. Murphy likes to visit when things are SHITTY and at their WORST!
Point being that in a situation where you may have to use a firearm to defend your life, TIME is of the essence! When you pull that gun it needs to be ready to go. Trouble is not going to wait on you.
There is also the issue of TRAINING. The Majority of Armed Citizens do not TRAIN regularly on the BASICS, much less the ADVANCED techniques like of racking the slide during Presentation.
Secondly, your trigger finger is the ultimate safety.
98% or better of ND”s can be attributed to not keeping your finger off the trigger until you are READY to shoot!
This is Gun safety 101 stuff.
So taking those two things into consideration why would you want to carry the firearm that could possibly save your life and the life of your loved ones any other way than Condition One?
NEVER stack the odds in the favor of failure folks.
“Fortune favors the prepared mind” -Louis Pasteur