Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran
One of the primary reasons White Christian Conservative Ideals and Good Ole’ Fashion Common Sense are always being beat by the Diverse Satanic Communist idiots is the idiots are more willing to take to the streets to push their message than WE are.
It appears WE like to talk a good game but when it comes time for the actual showdown with Baal and the New World Order, WE are nowhere to be found.
A Man named Michael Cassidy Put some ACTION behind his convictions.
Sure, in the big scheme of things knocking the head off a statue is not exactly revolutionary material, but it was ACTION, and ACTION always beats REACTION.
History proves that when the RIGHT field their own ‘Sturmabteilung’ to counter the Communist threat, things can change for the better.
The only question that remains to be answered is how will YOU contribute to that change?