Via: Politically Incorrect Humor
FINALLY! Geert Wilders LANDSLIDE Victory
Understand this is not a plug for Geert (although I have nothing against the man or what he stands for) but an attempt to show how the MSM manipulates global politics.
Ask yourself why is it every White, Conservative Politician who cares about his own country who wins an election anywhere in the world is immediately branded “Far Right” by Big-Tech and the Lame-Stream Media?
Consider this: If the Communist are really that terrified of White, Conservative Nationalism that they are willing to go to these lengths to manipulate, what does that tell you of their global agenda?
He leads the “Party of Freedom!” 😱 That clearly means he’s selfish and crazy! Oh, he’s also white and advocates for his own country; i.e. “White Nationalist!” 🙄