The Great Surrender
“We are in the end stages of the Great Surrender that is leading to the great collapse of Western civilization. As the great men of Western civilization fade into obscurity or have their legacy trashed by lesser people that delight in ritualistic humiliation of their long-dead betters, our nations are being ruled by black and brown people acting in pantomime, affecting the dress, speech and manners of Whites like small children wearing their parent’s clothing and playing house.
Someone like Rishi Sunak might be able to keep the trains running in the society built by Whites for a time but a nation full of people like Rishi Sunak will not be able to maintain British society indefinitely absent actual British people. Despite the limitations of being a rainy little island, the British built an empire because the British empire was made up of British people.
An island like Madagascar is four times the size of England and has a much warmer climate but has never amounted to much because Madagascar is full of the Malagasy people while England was full of Englishmen.
There is no precedence I can think of where a stronger people have been conquered by weaker people because the stronger people just simply gave up.
Western civilization is on the way out with a whimper, rather that a bang, as the strongest people group in the world surrender the civilization we built to people incapable of forming even the most rudimentary societies.
It is a shameful end to a proud history and everyone will suffer as a result.”
For Further Study:
We Tried To Warn You: Remembering Those That Tried to Save Great Britain