Lockdowns Are Coming. Again. Are You Ready?
Sound advice from Arthur as usual.
Take heed to this paragraph especially in light of my recent post about False Flag AI to instigate war with Russia or China.
If you are expecting the worst, you won’t be caught too off guard and hopefully you won’t panic. Panic can get you killed. On the list of things I am anticipating are on the table for 2024 are things like: jailing or outright assassinating the Republican candidate. A mass casualty event that would put Las Vegas to shame. A new “pandemic” but a real one this time. A false flag op that provides a pretext for martial law and suspending elections. A war with China and/or Russia.
Bottom Line, Stay Calm.
Use Your Time Wisely NOW to PREPARE!
You have been through this BS once already!
You’re not a Rookie anymore.