The Elite Special Forces Of Ancient Celts
The Celts of Ancient Europe were a people group that spanned across most of Central and Western Europe between 500 BC – 100 AD. The term Celt is an admittedly messy and often inaccurate generalization of a diverse people group that lived across many different areas of Ancient Europe and developed countless unique and separate local and regional customs and cultures.
The term Celt is very similar to the label of “Native American.” It describes a broad cultural and ethnic group but does nothing to delve into the various differences and nuances between the Cherokee and the Lakota, for instance. What we know of the Ancient Celts was often from the point of view of their enemies. As far as we know, the Celtic people did not have a written language, so almost all of the accounts of their way of life are either from Greek or Roman chroniclers. While we should take some of the historical records with a grain of salt, one characteristic of Celtic society that is not disputable is their bravery and ferocity in battle.