There is an old military adage that goes something like this:
“In Warfare TIME is one of the most valuable commodities, so if you can get the enemy to WASTE their time with distractions, you have partially defeated him without firing a shot.”
DISTRACTION. It’s one of the most subtle tools of warfare. Yeah it’s not as sexy as sabotage or booby traps, but it can be just as devastating if used correctly.
Ask yourself a question: What dominates your conversation and TIME as a White Dissident?
Is it UFO’s or the fact the White Genocide is a FACT and is happening more and more frequently in this country?
Are you talking more about the Reptilian deep state or the fact that militant goat raping muslims are targeting white people for execution?
See where I am going with this?
Bottom Line: Being pre-occupied with the ambiguous nature of conspiracy in and of itself DISTRACTS you from the REAL, TANGIBLE THREATS right in front of you!
Time is short, our Enemies know it, and they will do anything to DISTRACT us from being READY TO ACT.
Dismiss the Keyboard Warrior Bullshit and Jaw Jacking and get to TRAINING!
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