Myanmar Rebels Battle Government Junta Forces with Homemade Shotguns
The Video in the link above shows Myanmar Rebels armed with home made single shot shotguns fighting Govt. Military Forces armed with modern assault rifles.
The article does not say but I can almost promise you this fight did not end well for the rebels.
Going up against modern military rifles with single shot homemade shotguns from a fixed (entrenched) position is tactical suicide IMO but on the other hand I understand the rebels are desperate and do not have access to large quantities of military type rifles.
The rebels would have stood a better chance using molotov cocktails!
It’s both a Reminder as to why the Second Amendment Exist: So citizens can protect themselves from Government tyranny and an object lesson that we should NEVER willingly give up our guns, more especially our semi-automatic rifles!
Stay Armed and Prepare Accordingly.