Major Airline Allows Male Staff to Wear Skirts
In a bid to become “the most inclusive airline in the skies,” British Virgin Atlantic scrapped rules on Wednesday requiring its staff to wear gender-specific uniforms. This means male personnel may now wear red skirt suits to work.
The company, which is owned by billionaire Richard Branson, announced that it would update its gender identity policies to “champion individuality,” enabling its employees to wear clothing that “expresses how they identify.”
In addition, Virgin Atlantic has updated its “trans inclusion policies,” entitling members of this community to time off for medical treatments related to gender transition, and allowing them to choose changing and shower facilities.
Have you noticed every time one of these Woke Corporations make a big announcement like this without fail it always ends with an overt Violation of Other people’s rights in the “fine print?”
I mean allowing a mentally unstable person to choose what changing (bathroom) and shower facilities they use openly Violates my Right to Privacy, but that’s OK because the rights of these people are now more important than the rest of us normal people, right?
This is Cultural Marxism in it’s most complete, under-handed form and it needs to be stamped out.