Another Racial Hoax Foiled
The title of this article SHOULD have been “Another Lying Dindu Case Foiled” because just like Jussie Smollett and the famous Air Force Academy “Racist Graffiti” Scandal the so-called “offended party” was BLACK, not WHITE.
It’s also interesting to me that the Godmother of Rachel Richardson (the only black Volleyball starter for Duke University) is Texas Criminal Lawyer Lesa Pamplin.
Always helps to have a wealthy black lawyer in the family who knows how to sue the “deep pockets” I suppose.
Why is it every time we hear about these hoax claims it is black’s hurling the accusations?
The bedrock problem here is that black people historically love to play the victim, why?
Because historically it has always got them PAID and garnered tons of media attention (because the MSM loves a black victim story) and to black people money and fame is the #1 goal with a close second being pretending to be victims of those pesky MAGA people, who Grandpa Joe has told us are a “Clear and Present Danger” to the safety of the United States! Honk Honk!
Don’t believe me? Let’s take a walk down Racial Hoax memory lane, shall we?
Remember the Nascar Noose hoax? How about the Oakland Lake Merritt Noose Hoax? Who could forget the fake racist graffitti at Kansas State?
And of course nobody could forget the #1 Fake racist hoax of all time (and just overall solid gold douche bag) Jussie Smollett.
What’s really hilarious to me is that while Black People love to play the Victim they also love to use the very tactics they were “liberated” from during the Civil Rights Movement such as SEGREGATION.
Yeah, you read that correctly.
In 2022 on a college campus in California, white people are being forcefully segregated with the FULL support of the College Faculty and Administration and not surprisingly, from the brain dead Biden White House, who unashamedly backs the bogus ideal of “white privilege.”
“While the Democrats and their liberal supporters battle the wave of supposed racism sweeping the nation, they harp on the advantages given to white people throughout the history of America. The idea of white privilege has only expanded thanks to the liberal left targeting the group of people they often label colonizers. Although the left might act like they want a united country, Tucker Carlson recently detailed how the Biden administration is supporting a housing building near UC Berkeley as they ban white people from common areas.”
*Next on the agenda is Hate Crime Hoaxes, so stay tuned!