Body of abducted Memphis heiress Discovered – Suspect charged with First Degree Murder
This Black POS Felon had previously served 20 years for kidnapping!
Just goes to show you don’t reabilitate animals like this, you put them down before they do it again.
From VDare:
Memphis is 64 percent black, and 25 percent white in 2022. The man arrested for the murder of Eliza Fletcher, a white mother of two white boys, is black.
Were white privilege real, every individual connected to the black male who abducted and murdered Eliza Fletcher would be facing consequences. Consider how the concept of white privilege is taught in schools and how all white children must atone for their ancestors’ past….
In a world where white privilege was real and omnipresent, every black individual who dared take the life of an innocent white person would see their entire family, to the fourth generation, face dire consequences.
The center cannot hold.
The American Experiment is ending.
The architects of Jim Crow knew the truth, though our Marxists overlords demand we forget.
With every Eliza Fletcher, the sting of reciting Emmitt Till’s memory loses its potency.