De Oppresso Terminare (To Terminate the Oppressed)?
He could have used examples like “Antifa”, “BLM” (“Burn, Loot, Murder” cuz they earned that moniker), “Crips”, “Bloods”, “Murder Inc.”, or even the Damned Al-Qaeda turd-burglers (And yes, the goats in that part of the world are always scared). But no, who did he disrespect? The two groups that probably have the highest percentage of “Pro God”, “Pro Morality”, “Pro-Law”, “Pro-Constitution”, “Law Abiding”, “Tax Payin’”, and “Rule Followin’” (to the point of mask wearin’ ridiculousness) People in the Nation, as demographics go. So no, this Imbecile doesn’t get a pass. As I said, from all the indicators I’ve seen, this is more of a norm in the SOF Community, than not, and that is tragic and sad.
Preppers were the original Americans, till people felt safe and comfortable, then they got fat, happy and stopped planning ahead and preparing for bad times. It has had to be relearned through the last couple centuries, but for the most part, that’s as “American” a trait as you can get, from a practical living standpoint.
Time is getting short.
Harden your hearts, toughen your bodies, and steel your minds.
Remember Jerry Shriver