More Under-Reported Black on White Crime: Her Name Is Christina Spicuzza – White Mother Of Four Children Begs For Her Life Before Being Murdered By Black Career Criminal Out On Bail
This horrible, preventable murder happened in Pittsburgh, what do you want to bet the DA who let this POS black thug out on bail is a Soros funded Demo-Twat?
Were America a nation truly in a vise of white supremacy, white privilege, systemic inequality, and implicit bias, then the story of what happened to Christina Spicuzza would be the only news item being discussed by every media outlet in America.
Instead, America is a nation where white people are second-class citizens, who must take a back seat to a racial group which Corporate America and our government deems our greatest asset and resource.
Christina Spicuzza should have been at home with her children, not driving an Uber and picking up dangerous black career criminals. Our government should be rewarding productive members of society who wish to have large families, not creating a situation where a white mother of four must plead for her life as a black career criminal threatens to shoot her (which he eventually did).
Again, had Christina Spicuzza not picked up this black career criminal, Uber would have fired her for discrimination.
That’s black privilege in a nation we are told is dominated by white supremacy.