Three Vintage Assaulters of our Forefathers: Kalthoff, Belton, Girandoni
Today’s article is not about “assault rifles” as you might think of them.
You’ll hear nothing of Stoner’s first black rifles designs, the STG-44, or the M1 Carbine. No, today we discuss firearms that will take the angst and ire of gun-hating hoplophobes and safe-space needing liberals to an entirely new level.
Yes, today we’ll be talking about the high-capacity weapons in use in the days before Jamestown was settled in Virginia and Shakespeare was still alive.
We’re talking about the so-called “Lewis and Clark Air Rifle” (Girandoni Air Rifle), Kalthoff Repeater, and the Belton Flintlock. And for the record, “superposed load” is not a category or tag on naughty movie sites.
These are guns that do not quite fit the idea of a Second Amendment written “just for single-shot firearms”.