So it’s been a minute since I have been to my local VA Outpatient clinic. Since the COVID carnival began I have made it a point to make every effort to stay away from the place if I could help it, but as my bad luck would have it I had my annual check-up come up so I had no choice but to go.
Having no ideal what to expect, I arrived fifteen minutes early and walking up the front door I could tell the Carnival ride was about to begin.
A large woman in FULL PPE gear and scrubs (including a mask with a plastic face guard) topped off with an orange reflective crossing guard vest with the word “MONITOR” across the front (Not sure the reason for this?) stood at the front door with a very serious look and as I approached she said “HALT” like I was some kind of Russian saboteur.
“Sir do you have an appointment today?”
“Please stand still while I take your temperature”
She then proceeded to use a Laser Temperature gun and from a distance of around ten feet proceeded to shoot a laser at my forehead.
Due to most likely GROSS operator error this process had to be repeated several times until finally she got the number she was looking for I guess.
“Proceed to the next station” she said sternly.
Looking at her like the rude idiot bitch she was I then turned around and walked inside.
This is where shit got weird.
Inside On the floor were flourescent green arrows guiding you to another flourescent green queue barrier like in an airport ticket line (What’s with all these Reflector Vest and flourescent green? Do they think the general public is blind?)
Once inside this flourescent cattle stall you had to stand in line on another flourescent circle six feet apart and wait your turn for yet another interview.
This one you had to step in front of a Computer monitor with a camera on top. First thing it did was take your temperature then it listed all these questions on the screen (in tiny print) we all have answered a million times: Have you recently travelled to China? Do you currently have any symptoms? blah, blah, blah. But here was the weird part: To Answer “NO” you had to raise your left hand by your face and then they took a picture of you!
“Where do these pictures go?” I asked one of the attendants wearing a “MONITOR” vest.
“In the cloud I guess” she answered rudely, not showing one bit of concern.
I stared at her for a long minute considering if I really wanted to take the effort to show her what an idiot she was and decided against it. I was already tired of this bullshit.
Anyways, after all this I finally got to check in for my appointment.
Later on I was talking to another vet about it and he said they are calling this Left Hand by your face the “Fauci Salute?”
Talk about Orwellian!
This shit is getting out of hand folks.
We need to give these totalitarian bastards the Left Hand Middle Finger by our Face.🖕