The old saying that “One man’s Terrorist is another man’s Freedom Fighter” holds true now more than ever. The key as history dictates is to let the actions of the Aggressor (a Government gone off the rails) speak for themselves. Because the more Unconstitutional action they take, including violence against civilians via police thuggery, the more public opinion will grow in favor of the so-called “domestic terrorist”.
It’s Guerilla Warfare 101 and you better be ready to Boogaloo when the time comes!
Over past few weeks I’ve had the blessing of running a classes for some great people. People you’d never know from anyone, on a dirt road you’d never go down, at a dead end with a pack of dogs that would verifiably and easily eat an unwelcome guest. And that’s the way it should be.…
via So we’re ‘Domestic Terrorists’, is that it? — American Partisan