Red Flag” ERPO Bill Passes the Colorado State Senate by ONE VOTE! 18-17
I have been keeping up with this since it all started because the end result will have NATIONAL implications.
Unfortunately, this is the direction the ‘legal winds’ are blowing all over this country when it comes to Red Flag Laws and as I have been saying from the beginning, it is without a doubt one of the most DANGEROUS laws (State or Federal) Constitutional Patriots and Gun Owners face simply because it strips a citizen of not only their 2nd Amendment Rights but their 4th and 5th as well (Due Process and Unreasonable Search and Seizure).
We are slowly becoming a nation of laws that DEPRIVE citizens of their rights versus one that PROTECTS them.
That being said, I hold out little hope that Colorado’s “Libertarian Democrat” Governor Jared Polis will veto the bill.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous and Keep Your Powder Dry!