Use of Deadly Force Against Shoplifter Stealing A Hatchet – Case of the Week
When it comes to carrying a Firearm for Self-Defense, I think trainers as a whole DO NOT emphasize the LEGAL implications enough for fear of scaring people away from obtaining their Concealed Carry Licenses.
Regardless, you have to emphasize to a citizen RIGHT FROM THE START that when they decide to carry a firearm for self-defense they are signing up to fight for their life TWICE: Once on the street in the actual encounter and Twice in the Courtroom to defend their actions. (I know I say this a lot, but it truly is a genuine piece of WISDOM in this upside down litigious society in which we live!)
Bottom line here folks, a $16 Hatchet is not worth a human life. Neither is your wallet or your wife’s purse for that matter.
It would have been different if the guy had the hatchet it in his hand and was threatening the guy, but that was not the case.
All he was doing was attempting to flee with stolen merchandise. $16 worth of stolen merchandise that if you did the math according to most State’s Penal Codes would amount to Shoplifting, which is a Class B Misdemeanor in most states.
Know the Law, Know your Rights, Act Accordingly or Go to Jail.
Stay Alert, Stay Armed and Stay Dangerous!