Iran pledges thousands of dollars for Palestinian terrorists
Tehran, flush with cash from sanctions relief, will give slain attackers’ families $7,000, envoy says, and $30,000 to terrorists’ families whose homes Israel demolishes
Iran will pay thousands of dollars to families of Palestinian terrorists killed while carrying out attacks against Israelis, Tehran’s ambassador to Lebanon said Wednesday.
Mohammad Fateh Ali said Tehran will give $7,000 to families of “martyrs of the intifada in occupied Jerusalem” and a further “$30,000 to every family whose home the occupation has demolished for the participation of one of its sons,” according to local news reports.
Twenty-nine Israelis and three non-Israelis have been killed in a wave of Palestinian terrorist attacks and violence since October, during which over 170 Palestinians have also been killed, some two-thirds of them while attacking Israelis, and the rest during clashes with troops, according to the Israeli army.
Jerusalem slammed the announcement of Iranian financial aid to terrorists, saying it was another example of Iran’s continued aggression towards Israel.
“This is further proof of Iran’s deep involvement in support for anti-Israeli terrorism,” read a Foreign Ministry statement. “After the [nuclear] agreement with world powers, Iran has allowed itself to continue as a major player in international terrorism.”
Israeli officials frequently warned that the lifting of sanctions on Iran would free up billions of dollars that Tehran could funnel into funding terror activities.
Tehran reportedly upped financial support to Hamas, the Gaza-based terror group, after signing of the nuclear deal with Western powers last July.Israel’s Channel 2 reported Wednesday that Hamas officials met recently in Tehran with Qassem Suleimani, the head of the Al-Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, and discussed Iranian funding for the terror group. He said he “kissed the foreheads” of all those thousands engaged in anti-Israel activities, the TV report said.
The historic agreement gave Tehran access to an estimated $100 billion dollars in frozen money and opened up the country’s economy, long hampered by sanctions, to international business.
Earlier in the day, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warned that Iran was paying for and readying sleeper cells to attack targets in Israel, the US and Europe.
Read the Remainder at Times of Israel
Update: What a Surprise!! Look what John Kerry is Now Saying at Jihad Watch
Money given to Muslims will be used like it has always been used. Buy weapons to kill people or build tunnels to make sneak attacks. Muslims a=re slick con artist and they know it. Jesus is not a con artist. How can they say Jesus is a great anything meaning it? Kerry and Obama have nothing in their heads.
Whats really bad (and proves the Obama admin is not a friend to Israel in any form) is Kerry just recently asked Congress NOT to renew Iranian Sanctions. What a dumb ass.