Dear Readers,
Due to some recent events I was made aware of by some very good people in my local area, I will be starting a new segment on my blog to help raise awareness of the EVILS of Abortion. This will be a regular segment that will include news, commentary and ways you can help stop Abortion in your area.
We cannot stand idly by as responsible Christian citizens and let the murder of innocent children go on unchallenged anymore. I for one am FED UP with this issue being swept under the rug.
One of the key things we can do to make a direct impact is to stop Federal Funding to Planned Parenthood Immediately. Please contact your Congressman and Senators and let them know how you feel and you can also Click on the Below Link to sign a National petition to inform the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan how you feel on this matter.
Thanks for posting that. I am on my way as a chaperone with 50 high schoolers going to the Rally for Life in Austin today. Certainly know I’m the only CO on board…LOL
Scoping out the route and rally points.
Sent from my iPhone
Stay Safe Bro and Keep up the Good Work!